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David Swarbrick

Medical Input Part Two

Updated: Aug 3, 2020

One Day Academy, with intention, meets in local churches. Because of this, in many ways, our policies regarding safety and protocol will come from those local churches with which we partner. But before I jump into a discussion of churches, I would like to add a few thoughts to the previous post.

The press conference with American Frontline Doctors occurred just as I was finalizing that previous post. Rather than incorporating the information from the press conference and delaying the post, I posted what I had knowing that I would later add to it.

Here is a link to the press conference in it’s entirety. (You have to cut and paste it into your browser because host refuses to allow the link.)*19egyiq*_ga*VHl1bmVxUUJyQ3JHT1ZVcDFSWVdBRXh4V3ZkcERlcnhZMUV4VC04N3hwc3dWTEIzelFyVnU2ekJrT1QwZWtHdQ..

AmerIcan Frontline Doctors represents over 600 doctors who are actively seeing patients and treating diseases including COVID-19. During their 45 minute press conference a few items seemed relevant to our decision making.

According to a Scottish doctor who studied the issue, there have been zero incidents world wide of students transmitting the disease to a teacher, and very few cases of children transmitting it to adults in general.

There have been 30 deaths in the USA in children 15 or younger, mostly with comorbidity factors.

In general, based on scientific study, American Frontline Doctors is heavily in favor of children returning to the classroom this fall.

My intent is not to claim that COVID is not a health risk. COVID is a disease to be taken seriously. I do believe that the benefits of returning children and families and communities to the practices and events of their choosing outweigh the potential risks. We can return to the classroom and hold classes in-person without seriously endangering our children and our families. It is credible to entertain the possibility of holding in-person classes. I appreciate American Frontline Doctors and look forward to hearing what they have to say over the next weeks and months.

Next time I will be discussing churches and the requirements they are putting on One Day Academy and the campuses we run.

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