Primary Science 2
Course #:
Natural Science
Elementary Science
Suggested Age:
Course Description:
Using Bob Jones Science 2 as the spine, students will explore many facets of science. Major topics of study will include matter and changes to matter, how the earth moves, what makes up the earth, natural resources, how living things grow and change, land and water habitats, fossils, and an introduction to various systems of the human body. In class, students will participate in hands-on activities and experiments to help students further comprehend the amazing world God has created. Students will be expected to read short text sections at home each week and one project to be completed at home will be assigned during the spring semester relating to land and water habitats.
Bob Jones Science 2 BJU Press - Science Grade 2, 5th edition
Activities Answer Key (optional)
Assessments (optional)
Assessments Answer Key (optional)
Note: The instructor has chosen Bob Jones textbooks because they are colorful, engaging, academically challenging, and most importantly show that all of science and nature point to the Creator.