Middle School Robot Programming
Course #:
Engineering & Technology
Suggested Age:
Course Description:
Do you want to solve problems? Do you want to learn how computers work? Do you want to learn about programming? Would it be fun to learn how to control a robot through a program you have written? This is the course for you!
This is an introductory course in computer science and programming. You will study programming concepts, computational thinking, and digital citizenship. At the end of the course you will create your own game, story or robot activity you can share.
You will learn foundational concepts of programming using drag and drop blocks rather than a programming language. Blocks are an easier way to get started and many top Universities today begin their classes with block-based programming.
The course is based Code.org’s Computer Science Fundamentals – Express online course along with the robot labs. But independent exploration is encouraged.
Have your child be prepared for the jobs of the 21st century. All are not going to be programmers as a profession, but computers will be very much a part of their lives.
Laptops or tablets (NO PHONES) are required (some teachers can provide one, if needed) NOTE: Newer laptops are preferred but you can purchase a newer iPad (iOS 13+) or Kindle Fire (Fire OS 7+) or Android tablet (Android 8+). If you do not own a tablet, you can purchase a Amazon Fire HD 8 tablet on Amazon Prime Day in July. The tablet should be discounted on that day. All devices must have Bluetooth 4.0+. CHECK Sphero EDU Device Compatibility HERE
For regions outside of Austin:
Robot required: Sphero BOLT
For Austin North and South regions:
Robot required: Make Block mBot2