Conceptual Physics
Course #:
Natural Science
High School Science
Suggested Age:
Algebra 1; can take concurrently with Algebra 2
Course Description:
This course is designed for the student who is not pursuing a career or college degree that is math-based. We will explore physics with class lectures and many hands-on activities to unlock the world of physics and God’s hand in it. Concepts will be demonstrated with easy to understand examples of everyday life experiences. The text is easy and enjoyable to read. Testing is over the topic vocabulary, concepts, and math problems (yet less intensive than STEM Physics). An overview of the topics covered are material substances, mechanics, thermodynamics, wave phenomena, electricity/ magnetism, and modern physics.
Abeka Physics: The Foundational Science (textbook)
Abeka Physics: The Foundational Science Tests (test booklet)
(Test Key is not required – instructors will grade tests)ODA Conceptual Physics Lab Manual is purchased from the ODA bookstore and will be distributed by the instructor.