Bible Courses
Girls' Bible Study: Psalms
Suggested Age:
“Visit many good books, but live in the Bible.”― Charles Spurgeon
“For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12
Since the Word of God is “living and active” it has the unique ability to transform our lives as we spend time in it. The class will not only study the Bible for information, but for transformation as well. This course is designed to give girls an opportunity to develop an appreciation for, and basic understanding of, the Bible as they learn about and study God’s Word. This class will begin with asking the important questions about God’s word: What? Why? and How? We will cover an overview about the Bible and why it is important in our lives and how we can study it.
From there, we will use Seamless by Angie Smith to explore major events from the Bible, tying them together into the greater story of Scripture. The goal is to lead girls to a complete understanding of God’s story as seen from Genesis to Revelation. Each session will feature people, places, and promises, including maps, general Bible facts, word studies, and key information that ties all of Scripture together into the seamless truth of the gospel message. Then, we will turn to answer the questions of “Who is God?” and “Who am I?” Utilizing Defined by Priscilla Shirer as a guide, we will make an in-depth examination of spiritual truths from the Book of Ephesians to lead girls to a better understanding and appreciation of their God-given identity.
Biblical Leadership
Suggested Age:
The purpose of this course is the personal, spiritual, and emotional development of the students as believers and active participants in a wide variety of communities. They will wrestle with who they are and how God has gifted them as they move toward adulthood and finding their role in the work of bringing the Kingdom of God to earth. They will learn from the Bible and from authors who have demonstrated an understanding of people and communities, and how God uses each of them for His purposes.
A Study in Daniel
Suggested Age:
13 and up
To study the book of Daniel with an eye for preparing students to successfully walk with God through a life in which non believers and godless patterns of behavior often times heavily influence the cultures in which we live.
To better understand God’s vision of greatness: helpful love and service – not selfish ambition.
To understand that it is possible to be both godly and successful in this life.
To notice that Daniel was more successful than his peers precisely because of his relationship with God.
To notice Daniel’s trust in God’s word as a reliable source of knowledge that is pertinent to real life: to recognize that faith and science don’t exclude one another, but that God’s word is the first and most reliable authority.
Also to understand that through our relationship with God and through humility, anyone can live out greatness in God’s Kingdom, that nobody is disqualified.
To understand God’s love for mankind as those created in His image, and to understand His heart to be reconciled to mankind.
To notice that through seasons of brokenness, God restores people to the greatness for which He created us all.