Kevin McCarthy

Faculty - Natural Science

B.S. Chemistry at Baylor University,
Organic Chemistry concentration
Forensic Science minor
I have experience with and will accommodate SPED/504/IEP students
Fluorochemical industrial research chemist - 7 years
Airborne Infantry Texas National Guard - 4 years
Teaching Experience - since 2022
Special Assistance Team at City Reach Church since 2021

I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for us. I am glad I have you as my teacher and House teacher. I hope you are liking our school. I hope you stay a long time.
Thank you for being an amazing and stupendous science teacher. It's clear as day that you love and enjoy your job here at ACS. This is simply not solely in the classroom but just through your interactions with others. You love to interact with the other students and teachers through deep and avid conversations. It appears that you genuinely enjoy them, which displays your significance and contribution to the school as a whole. Additionally, you have taught all of us that stretches and grows our brains. You are helping us think outside of the box and to constantly propose the questions of, "How does this work?" and "Why does this work?" You are truly a spectacular teacher, Mr. McCarthy. From the content and thoughtfulness of your teachings all the way to your various and all unique stories, you greatly assist the school in strengthening its bonds in a way that both honors and loves God.
Thank you so much for how you have poured out your heart and knowledge over us and this community. We have loved your stories, science experiments, and the skills you teach. We truly love how helpful. Know that we all appreciate you as a teacher.
Thank you for the many ways you love and serve the 7th graders! What a gift you are to these students. The joy and passion you have for science and life is evident to them and us, and we are grateful for the new ways you pour into these students lives to help them be and stay organized. Also, thank you for the many ways you point them to Jesus and the gospel.
Thank you so much! It has been such a pleasure being in your class this year. Thank you for teaching me so many important and useful life skills.