John Forsythe

Faculty – Humanities, Mathematics, Natural Science

BS in Biology, Florida State University, 1976
MS in Biology, Texas A&M, 1980
Ordained Pastor, Calvary Chapel Bible College, 2006
Marine Biologist, UT Marine Biomedical Institute, Galveston, TX - 28 years
Author or co-author of 40+ peer-reviewed scientific research papers
Retired from science and went into full time Christian ministry - since 2005
Ordained as Pastor 2006 by Calvary Chapel of Houston
Moved to Florida and planted and pastored Calvary Chapel Surfside 2008-2020. Retired 2020.
Led after-school Christian Clubs in 3 Florida elementary schools for - 5 years
Participated or Led 13 Int’l Missions trips
Teaching Experience:
Scuba Instructor 5 years
Bible College instructor
Taught Elem, Jr & Sr High Youth ministries
Marital Counseling
Attend Hope Church Kyle: A/V, Kids & Home Group Ministries

"Thank you so much John. This certainly does clarifiy everything and its good to confirm that my daughter is still on track.”
“My daughter loved that Mr. Forsythe started his class with prayer!”
"Thank you for giving my son a bit more time and extra attention. I appreciate you :)”
“Thank you for being a wonderful teacher and dedicating your time to help students."