Austin-North Student Activities
One Day Academy offers or endorses the following activities:

Austin Royals Athletics – Competitive Athletics
”But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” (1 Peter 2:9)
Boys and Girls Basketball
Boys and Girls Cross Country
Flag Football
Girls Softball
Boys and Girls Soccer
Boys and Girls Track

Wilco Falcons 6-Man Football & Cheer
The Falcons are a Christian sports organization serving home school families in the Austin area. We offer tackle football and cheerleading for ages 11-18.
Tackle Football (Varsity ages 15 and up, Jr. High ages 14 and under)
Cheerleading (Varsity ages 14-18, Jr. High ages 11-13 & Dainties ages 7-10)

Central Texas Saints Basketball
Central Texas Saints is an organization created to serve homeschool families in the greater Austin, Texas, area. Our primary purpose is to help student-athletes become true followers of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We strive to create a Christian environment for our families to be able to positively impact our community by:
Providing professional basketball education and training to youth ages 9 – 18
Offering spiritual discipleship and mentorship
Giving volunteer service opportunities so youth can grow together and become involved in their community
CHAA Saints of Texas – non-Competitive Athletics
Bastrop, Cedar Park, Pflugerville, Bulverde, Lakeway, Oak Hill, Leon Springs, Leander, Marble Falls, Dripping Springs

Teen Court
A chance for teenagers to participate in the justice system

eXponents Robotics "working for The Higher power"
Contact the Lead Mentor at
We have participated in the Capitol BEST robotics program for more than a decade. Our competition season begins in late September and lasts 6 weeks. There are several areas for potential involvement-Build and Design, Programming and Coding, Marketing, Display Booth, Spirit, Engineering Notebook, and Fund Raising are all a part of our team's amazing efforts. Our team has won 1st place Founders Award for Creative Design in 2015 and 2016 at the BEST Robotics Regional Competition in Dallas amongst numerous other awards. Our team is geared for 13 and up.

Austin Rhetoric Club
Contact us at
Austin Rhetoric Club is first a Christian family club, parent sponsored and student run, second, a home school speech and debate club.
ARC is an NCFCA affiliated club, offers instruction and opportunities in 11 Individual Events of Public Speaking, Team Policy and Lincoln Douglas debate. We meet in the Central Austin area on Friday afternoons from September through May.
We believe that formal speech and debate can provide a means for home schooled students to learn and exercise analytical and oratorical skills, addressing life issues from a Biblical world view in a manner that glorifies God. To provide these opportunities to home schooled students, and their parents, we facilitate club meetings, conferences and tournaments in the Austin area, and encourage them to attend Texas area conferences and tournaments. Parents learn right along with their children, can critique speeches and debates, judge, teach, and encourage.

Yearbook Club
A fun, rewarding club that produces each year's One Day Academy yearbook. This is an excellent opportunity for students to learn how to produce a professional product, and for them to be exposed to the graphics and publishing world. Students who have yearbook experience often can gain access to similar opportunities in college and beyond.