Ronnie McQueen

Faculty – Engineering

MS Industrial Technology - North Texas University
BSEd in Industrial Arts - Abilene Christian University
Curriculum and Instruction ABD - North Texas University
6-12 Lifetime Certificate Industrial Arts
General Contractor, self-employed - since 2015
Industrial Technology Teacher - 12 years
Woodworking/Drafting Teacher - 9 years
Teacher Education Faculty, Abilene Christian University - 9 years
Assistant Career and Technology Director Abilene ISD - 4 years
Associate Principal Cooper High School Abilene Texas - 4 years
Special Populations Coordinator Abilene ISD - 5 years
Marketing and Curriculum Specialist – Pitsco Inc. Pittsburg, Kansas - 2 years
Teaching 2nd grade to adults, Congregational Song Leading, Praise Team, Preaching on occasion
Two – 1-year interim youth minister roles while looking for new YM
Campus Ministry Committee
Chairman of Facilities Planning Committee
Volunteer Abilene Christian Service Center